1. NAS President Jane Simers and Reisha Macaluso greeting the Conventioneers 2. Our Man of the Year George Szymanski and his wife, Dolores 3. Our Jachimczyk Award Recipient Don Pienkos - Friday morning Professional Program - "Where are We Heading? Polish Americans and U.S. - Poland Relations, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" 4. Most Rev. Andrew Wypych - Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago - Thursday morning Professional Program - "The Ethical Person and Natural Law - The Classical Catholic Philosphical and Theological Vision" 5. From The Polish Mission's Forbidden Art Exhibit - Orchard Lake MI -Thursday morning Professional Program - A Selection from the Polish Mission's Collection 6. Sebastian Kurek - Vice Consul - Consulate of the Republic of Poland - Thursday morning Professional Program - "The Consular Protection Program" 7. Patrick J. Simers - Principle Valuation, LLC - Friday morning Professional Program - "Healthcare Valuations in the Run-up to the Affordable Care Act" 8, 9, 10 and 11. NAS and NMDA members and families having fun at the Beach Harbor Resort, Sturgeon Bay WI - Thursday afternoon 12. More fun - NMDA ladies at the Golf Party - Friday afternoon 13. Monsignor Thomas Machalski, Chancellor of the Orchard Lake Schools - Saturday evening Mass 14. Don Pienkos and George Szymanski with their awards and Jane Simers - Saturday night Awards Dinner 15. Jane Simers and NMDA President Dr. Lee Mielcarek - Saturday night Awards Dinner 16. NAS officers and the Award Winners - Saturday night Awards Dinner 17. The Pienkos Family - Saturday night Awards Dinner 18. The Groszek Family - Saturday night Awards Dinner 19. NAS members Joan Smuda and Evelyn Gryk Frolich and their spouses enjoying Sunday morning breakfast